
Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Why not add Gluten-Free to the family diet?

A little over a year ago I took Vince to some sort of natural doc for a rash on his hands and severe eczema. We were barely thru his office door and he said, "Take him off wheat and come back in three weeks." My response was, "Why not add Gluten-Free to the family diet?"

I did as I was told. The rash on the hands went away and the eczema came and went, same as before. Then again it was hard to keep a 2 yr old gluten free, he ate Cheerios and Goldfish off the floor at play grounds. But after three months I decided Vince doesn't need to be gluten free but it isn't as hard as I thought, I should do it! I had been told a few times to try it for bloating but always assumed it would be too much work. So, exactly a year ago I took myself off gluten. The results were worth it! Within 3 weeks the bloating decreased and I felt better. Now, we have a new food issue when ordering at a restaurant. Waiter, the kids are egg, nut, and sesame free and I am gluten free, have any good desserts?

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