
Friday, December 13, 2013

Bento Box & Mini Burgers

I am sort of obsessed with the bento box plates. It almost forces me to feed the kids a well balanced meal because I have to fill the sections.

Tonight I made mini burgers, sort of a cross between meatballs and sliders. We are keeping Ava off gluten (for her sinuses & allergies). A slider without the bun is like a meatball. So I decided to mix worcestershire sauce, onion powder, garlic powder, salt & pepper with ground beef, roll into balls, and bake at 400 for 25 minutes. I put cheese on at the last minute.

While I was baking the burgers I threw in the oven Ore Ida Simply Fries and Broccoli drizzled with Olive Oil.

Prep work took five minutes, all three dishes were done at the same time, and no one complained about what I made. Success.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Disney with Allergies

Disney on a three day weekend was an awful idea! My son, Vince, wanted to go there instead of have a birthday party this year. I didn't realize there was a marathon, NJ teacher convention, and it was Veteran's Day. I thought we would pop in to the Food & Wine Festival, enjoy our wine while the kids frolicked around happy and high on Disney. I did not envision lines too long for an adult's patience and definitely too long for three hyper children. Vince kept asking to go back to the hotel. Thank God my kids didn't care what rides they went on and we just hung back and went on whatever rides had short lines.

While I was not worrying about how busy it was going to be, I was worrying about the food. I assumed there would be some options but did not realize how many. Thanks to a fellow mom of kids with allergies, who is also obsessed wit Disney, I was able to go to Disney worry free! (

I had no idea, but Disney is the place to be if you have food issues. They have a more choices and educated chefs than anywhere I have been so far. We had a chef come to our table at every restaurant from the quick fast food places to the nicer restaurants. I even learned about a new brand while I was there, OMG ( With sooo many options, I pigged out! We had their chicken nuggets, pizza, fries, mac n cheese, brownies, corn bread, ribs...OMG!

So if you are headed to Disney, you don't even need to research. Ask the nearest "Cast Member" and they will send out a handy, knowledgable chef to help you. So lines or not, enjoy the Disney Dining.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

C.R. Chicks

In my search for peaceful afternoons, free of me screaming and burning food and the kids whining and telling me they don't like what I cooked, I have been on a hunt for take out restaurants. Now many of our friends have no issues with take out. Order and pick up, stress free. But I have to consider the ingredients and the likely hood that the teenager up front is not completely educated on the ingredients in the food they are serving (no offense teenagers if you are reading).

I have blogged about a few places (Chipotle & Your Pie) who are super conscientious about food allergies. I have found another one! Yay! C.R. Chicks ( is mostly gluten-free and they have a hand out with all the ingredients in everything on the menu. The food tastes fresh, healthy, and delicious. My kids loved the chicken, mashed potatoes, green beans, and the cucumber salad. To top it off, it was not expensive at all. I fed my family of five big eaters for $25 (The Big Family Dinner-2 Chickens and 3 Large Sides). Kids meals are around $2-$4. The place was casual and so family friendly that after my kids ate the girls did a dance routine next to our table! I am sure that was inappropriate for me to let them but I was so happy they ate a big healthy dinner and I had no cleaning up that I didn't care.

So I hope I help you this week. Take a night off from cooking, fighting, and cleaning. Eat there or Take out. They have 7 locations in Palm Beach County. Enjoy!

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Banana Muffins

I love when our bananas get too ripe to eat, an excuse to make banana bread. Today I decided to try banana muffins and I researched some sugar free ideas. I can't exactly quote a website or recipe because I took ideas from a few. Here is what I came up with:

Banana Muffins

In a VitaMix (or if you don't have one just mix)...
1/4 cup butter
1/4 cup coconut oil
3 brown bananas
1/2 cup honey
3 tsp Ener-G egg replacer mixed with 2 Tbsp water
2 Tbsp ground flaxseed mixed with 6 Tbsp water

Once those are blended add...
1 cup All Purpose Gluten Free Flour
1 tsp cinnamon
1 tsp nutmeg
1 tsp baking soda
1 tsp baking powder
1/4 tsp salt

Blend again. Then fill muffin tins 3/4 way full and bake at 350 for 20 minutes.

So the house isn't clean, the laundry isn't put away, and the grocery shopping isn't done, but we have fresh banana muffins. Sunday Funday.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

New Year's Resolution

L'Shana Tova to my fellow Jews.

Why does it feel like every year for the last 7 years I have had the same New Year's Resolution?... Stop Losing My Temper!

I lay awake almost every night or fear almost every day that something bad will happen to my children. It is my biggest fear in the whole world. I worry about their allergies constantly. I can't even go on Facebook lately because people continuously post the same story of the little girl who lost her life to a peanut allergy. It is my worst nightmare come true for another family. And just the headline of the article sends me into a deep dark hole of worry. I am constantly baking and cooking trying to make my kids happy, safe, and "like everyone else" at school and parties. I volunteer as much as possible at the school to keep an extra eye on my kids, make sure there was no food brought in that I missed, or any random hives on their faces. I am constantly shopping for food that is new and exciting for them. I bought them croissants yesterday just because I could, no eggs-who knew!

So I spend my whole life worrying about and trying to make my kids healthy and happy. Why is it I lose my temper at them almost daily?!?! It is devastating. As a trained therapist I KNOW that it is harder to raise kids well. I know it is easier to spoil kids and always say yes. I know kids who never have limits end up handicapped and almost always can't function in the real world. I know when I fight over bed time or bad behavior or homework or manners that I am doing the right thing but it is so painful!! I am sick of having to make my resolution to stop losing my temper.

So today I am setting my resolution to Lose My Temper Less. Never is unrealistic, but less is doable. I also pray for a happy, healthy, and safe New Year for my family and yours.

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Baked Ziti, Gluten-Free

Back to school. I have been longing for this day for weeks. I was dying for a good routine, kids busy all day with mind enhancing activities, and my personal life getting back on track. I guess I set my standards too high, cause so far this week has been a spiritual let down. Nothing bad happened, in fact, it has been all good. Kids love going to school, love their teachers and friends, no tears, no clothing or hair meltdowns. The let down is all me. I am not good with transition and never have been. My mom said I cried every Sunday night. The simple transition from weekend to week was even hard for me. In the eight years since I have been a mother I always have a hard time during the 2 week winter break, the beginning of summer, and the beginning of school.

Anyways, I needed some comfort food this week. I need a good old fashion pig out night and a dinner no one would whine about. I needed an easy, yummy, kid friendly dish. BAKED ZITI. I pulled it together at the last minute with whatever was left in the fridge.

First, I sauteed ground white turkey meat. Then threw it in the crock pot.
Second, I sauteed a bag of broccoli slaw in some olive oil. Then threw it in the crock pot.
Third, I added a jar of Mario Batali sauce to the crock pot with salt and pepper.

I let that cook for 3 hours. Then I made Jovial Gluten Free Pasta. I added pasta, sauce, and shredded mozzarella cheese in a lasagna pan and baked at 350 for 15 minutes. Voila! Gluten-Free Baked Ziti. It totally hit the spot. The whole family liked it and in case you are wondering, the kids did not notice the broccoli slaw. In the 3 hours it disappeared into the sauce.

My side dish was a simple salad with cherry tomatoes, cucumbers, avocado, and mini fresh mozzarella balls with a balsamic, olive oil, and dijon dressing.

What I thought would be high fives and jumping for joy turned out to be an unexpected case of the back-to-school-blues. Nothing a few days and a good baked ziti won't fix.

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Summer Traveling, Everything-Free Style

It has been a while since my last post. I spent a summer traveling, working, driving, coordinating, planning, packing, unpacking, and EATING!

My trip to New York City was without children. So without having to worry about eggs, nuts, or sesame, I was on a Gluten-Free mission. First, we first went to Risotteria (, which has GF bread sticks, risotto, meatballs, pizza, paninis, and gluten-free dessert. Everything was great and even greater was not having "food anxiety". 

Next, on the way to my friend's Brooklyn wedding we headed to Park Slope where my cousin Shuna bakes for Brooklyn Larder ( There I got to try a GF Pistachio Cake, Almond Cheesecake Crust crumbles, and an assortment of dinner foods. You can order her Gluten-Free All Purpose Flour (which I posted about) and many other things on their website. Needless to say, when I went to put on the dress for the wedding I could not breathe. 

Thanks to my cousin Jesse and his GF friend Sami, I found the MOST delicious raviolis I ever had in my life. Bistango ( was a dream come true. I actually almost never made it there. As we were getting ready to leave our apartment for the airport, I got an email that our flight was cancelled. We rescheduled later in the day and booked it to Bistango. I sat down and a plate of GF bread and oil was served. It was so good I had to double check that it was really missing the gluten. Then we ordered the Spinach & Ricotta Raviolis with Pesto Sauce and Sundried Tomato & Goat Cheese Raviolis with Marinara Sauce. Both were perfect. 

My last trip was a 2 week road trip to North Carolina. On the trip I discovered the app called Find Me GF. You plug in an address or city and a list of GF friendly places come up. I only wish I found the app sooner. It made roadtripping with allergies much easier. Even though the kids are not gluten-free, a place that is gluten allergy conscious is usually conscious of all allergies. One of those places I found was a bakery in Jacksonville, Sweet Theory ( I am coming off a cupcake high at the moment. All of their cupcakes are Gluten-Free, Egg-free, Dairy-Free & Nut-free (they only use coconut oil) and their other desserts are all Egg-Free, Dairy-Free, Soy-Free, and Nut-free.  I got the kids donuts and cinnamon rolls, things they never get to eat, and I got us all a dozen of their Everything-Free Cupcakes. We spent all weekend testing the different desserts and I swear to God every single one was perfection! I am dying right now after eating (sharing with the fam) banana, carrot, and chocolate chip cupcakes. Earlier we had vanilla lavender and chocolate brownie cupcakes. I just have to call and see if they mail their desserts. If not, I will have to make a trip up there more often.

Another place I found on the Find Me GF app is Zoes Kitchen ( They are a fast food, mediterranean style restaurant with locations all over the country...not in South Florida, yet! Their food is fresh and simple. They label Gluten-Free, Vegetarian, and Vegan dishes which makes a lot of lives easier. They cater too! Their kids menu is great, offering "chicken fingers" which are actually grilled chicken strips with a side of fruit. 

So here I am full, tired, and looking at piles of laundry. School starts in a week, back to work tomorrow after 2 weeks off, toys and clothes busting out of the rooms, and I truely think it was one of my favorite summers since the kids were born. 

Monday, July 1, 2013

Mango-Coconut Chia Pudding

Now that I have this blog people send me the best recipes! The newest one is from my friend Heather, who eats similar to my family. We had a crazy cooking session at my house the last time she was here but it was too crazy to write about. It was a mediterranean feast of some sorts, with homemade tzatziki,  mint meatballs, salads, etc. but the kids were helping and ingredients were flying. I forgot half the things we did. Next time Heather, aka "Headda", is in town I will document it better.

This recipe is an awesome dessert, breakfast, or snack. I, of course, had to alter the recipe a little but it is the kind of recipe that everyone can make their own. I eliminated the almonds and added blueberries and cinnamon. (The cinnamon was a recommendation from my friend Debbi who was here sampling with me. She also suggested adding pineapple to give it a little bite.)

Anyways, I have to make it again soon because I ate it all without sharing with the kids. Emma wasn't too interested but Ava had Will's last bite and liked it. I imagine the more fruit and cinnamon in it the more my kids would eat of it. If I have time to make it on July 4th I will layer with strawberries and blueberries for a fun red, white, and blue treat. 1 batch made 5 single servings so if you are going to make for a party double or triple the recipe.

Thanks for reading and if you make, enjoy!

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Chocolate Chip Cookies (with Chickpeas)

Me - "Morning Girls! Lets make cookies for breakfast!"
Ava, with a puzzled look on her face - "Did you turn into Daddy?"

I wonder who is the good cop in my house? I went away on a girls trip a few weeks ago over Father's Day weekend (oops). I left Will and the kids with a huge basket of candy, movies, gift cards, and pool toys. Yes, I was feeling guilty for leaving Will on Father's Day and was trying to make the weekend as easy for him as possible. Well, as the weekend was coming to an end Ava asked Will, "When is Mommy going away again?!" ARGH!! Does she even notice he didn't do dishes, laundry, go grocery shopping, clean her room?? Just kidding, I was angry at first but then quickly realized I don't have to feel guilty about going away again! Girls trip anyone??

Anyways, I saw this recipe for chocolate chip cookies using chickpeas and peanut butter (I used SunButter) and thought it would make a good breakfast treat. And it did!! I have to at least try and be the fun parent sometimes.

Check out the link below and Enjoy!

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Best GF Pizza Restaurant EVER

Since the day I stopped eating gluten the only thing I really miss is Pizza. I have found some frozen ones that keep me sane but I have not found a place I can take the family and just enjoy pizza. Tonight that has changed. YOUR PIE. (

First, the gluten-free pizzas are exceptional!!! Not for a second did I miss eating everyone else's pizza. They are prepared in the back, away from all traces of gluten. You have millions of toppings to chose from... pesto, sun dried tomato pesto, red sauce, unlimited free veggies, meats, etc.

Second, they have great options for non-GF peops. They have white crust and whole wheat crust. They are careful with other allergies, such as our kids' egg, nuts, and sesame allergies. They confirmed all ingredients.

Third, the kids options are awesome. They give you a kids pizza, drink (from a fountain with a million choices), and gelato for $5.99. While waiting for your food they gave my kids pizza dough to play with. They had a ball!! Emma asked if we could have breakfast there tomorrow and Ava asked if we can have all future family dinners there.

Lastly, the have wine and beer.

Kids happy, me happy, we are going back!!!!

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Fudgy Black Bean Brownies

How could black beans and dates turn into delicious brownies? They can! My kids were shocked. They helped me make them and gagged at the thought of black beans, plus dates, plus sunbutter, plus chia seeds all blended together. It wasn't until I put the cocoa powder in that they considered even tasting them. However, blend and bake and I swear they come out delicious. After coming out of the oven, I must warn, they are more like a gooey souffle. Jill, the friend who gave me the recipe, suggested putting them in the fridge over night and the next day they are more the consistency of a fudgy brownie.

The recipe actually gives another recipe for a topping. I went the easy route and just put whipped cream and blueberries on top.

2 cups cooked black beans or canned no-salt-added or low-sodium black beans, drained
10 Medjool dates (remove the pits)
2 tbsp Sunbutter
1 tsp vanilla
1/2 cup natural, non-alkalized cocoa powder
1 tbsp ground chia seed
Raspberries or other berries for topping

DirectionsPreheat oven to 200° F.

Blend the black beans, dates, sunbutter and vanilla in a food processor or high powered blender until smooth. Add the remaining ingredients and blend again. Pour into a very lightly oiled 8 x 8 inch baking pan and bake for 1 1/2 hours.

Cool completely before cutting into small squares. Top with raspberries or other berries.

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Carrot Apple Coconut Muffins

Parents always ask how they can sneak veggies into their kids diets. That is probably why Parenting Magazine ( had a whole page article on carrots and "fun, fresh ways to fix this kid-pleasing veggie".

I had my eye on the recipe for Carrot Apple Coconut Muffins since April's issue. It was a recipe that required ingredients I always have in my house and it sounded really good. I had to modify it a little bit but the muffins were still great. And it was easy enough to make that Vince helped me bake them.

Preheat oven to 350. Mix the following ingredients:
1 1/2 cups All-Purpose Gluten-Free Flour
1 tsp Baking Powder
1/2 tsp Baking Soda
1/2 tsp Salt
1/2 cup Unsweetened Coconut Flakes
1 cup of peeled, grated Carrots
1/2 cup of peeled, grated Apple (Or I used 1/2 cup of Apple Sauce)
1/4 cup ground flaxseed

Then in a separate bowl mix:
2 eggs (or 3 tsp of Ener-G egg replacer + 4 Tbsp water)
1 tsp Vanilla
1/3 cup Coconut Milk
1/4 cup Coconut Oil
1/2 cup Honey

Combine the dry ingredients with the wet ingredients. If it looks like it needs more liquid, add some coconut milk. Add 1 Tbsp of batter to mini muffin tins and bake for 15 minutes, 30 for regular size muffins.

Enjoy being sneaky.

Banana Oatmeal Raison Bars

I have been quite busy lately and haven't been trying new recipes. I am waiting for my Beetnik Gluten Free food delivery and was thinking I would blog again once that came. But yesterday when I saw on Facebook a link for these Banana Oatmeal Raison Bars I figured I could squeeze in some baking time. They actually came out delicious! I think they are even better today though, maybe they aren't meant to be eaten hot. Since there is no sugar they made a good breakfast (I don't like sugary breakfast food). If making as a dessert food, I would replace the raisons for chocolate chips.

I shared it on my Facebook page:

I modified the recipe and came up with:

3 smashed Bananas
1/3 cup apple sauce
2 cups of GF rolled oats
1/4 cup Coconut Milk
1/2 cup raisons (Or I think Chocolate Chips would be great)
1 tsp vanilla
1 tsp cinnamon
1/2 tsp salt

Mix and bake at 350 for 20 minutes.

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Fun Grilling Ideas from Parenting

I wanted to share this from Parenting Magazine ( It is so much fun for me to find a food article in Parenting that is completely free of my family's allergies. They have so many great and creative ideas on how to feed kids but frequently they are no good for my family. These 10 ideas all look delicious and I have a whole weekend with no plans! Who has ever grilled watermelon or strawberries before?

1. Steak tacos- Grill flank steak 8 to 9 minutes each side and serve in corn tortillas with any topping you like.

2. Teriyaki Shrimp- Find a gluten-free, sesame-free teriyaki sauce and marinate shrimp and pineapple for 15 minutes. Alternate shrimp and pineapple on skewers and grill 2 minutes on each side.

3. Spartan Salad- Grill watermelon slices 3 to 4 minutes on each side, chop, and toss with lettuce, feta, and gluten-free greek salad dressing.

4. Pizza- Place gluten-free pizza crust or gluten-free pitas on the grill and cover with tomato sauce, shredded cheese, and any other topping. Lower the hood and cook 3 to 4 minutes.

5. Maple Pork Chops- Mix 3 Tbsp of maple syrup with 1 tsp chili powder. Grill pork chops 6 to 7 minutes on each side basting often with the mixture. Serve with baked beans.

6. Cheesy Corn- Grill unshucked ears of corn about 15 to 2 minutes, turning occasionally. Remove husks and serve with butter and grated parmesan cheese.

7. Strawberry Skewers- Put 3 to 4 strawberries on a soaked bamboo skewer. Brush with a mixture of 1 Tbsp balsamic vinegar and 1 Tbsp brown sugar. Grill 2 to 3 minutes, turning once.

8. Greek Chicken Skewers- Marinate chicken breast chunks in olive oil, lemon juice, and oregano. Skewer chicken and grill 5 minutes, turning once. Serve with a side of Tzatziki, lettuce, tomato, and red onion.

9. Backyard BBQ sliders- Marinate boneless skinless chicken thighs in gluten-free BBQ sauce. Grill 4 minutes on each side. Serve on buns or without, add additional BBQ sauce, and a side of cole slaw (slaw dressing has mayo so make your own if allergic to eggs).

10. Sweet Spuds-Toss sweet potato wedges with olive oil, salt, pepper, paprika, and cinnamon. Grill 10 to 15 minutes, turning once. Sprinkle with lemon juice.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Healthy & Safe Snacking, Everything-Free

There is a huge pressure in our society right now to feed our children organic, GMO-free, sugar-free, vitamin rich, super power foods. But moms of kids with food allergies have even more pressure, we worry about all that AND nut-free, egg-free, gluten-free, dairy-free. We can't give our kids most of the suggestions that the magazines and blogs suggest like nuts, hard boiled eggs, trail mixes, protein bars, peanut and almond butter, etc.

As I have blogged about before, my daughters get migraines. They get migraines from a few different triggers but one of the biggest is unhealthy snacking. If they have nitrates, too many processed carbs, not enough protein, too much sugar, or not enough water it is a guaranteed migraine for one or both of them. So in addition to wanting to feed my kids healthy snacks, I have to.

Sunbutter- It is way better than Soy Butter. It is made from sunflower seeds and it amazing, I swear.  Put Sunbutter in smoothies, on bread, on waffles, on apples, or with bananas.

Cherrybrook Kitchen Chocolate Cake mix- This mix is gluten-free, egg-free, nut-free, and dairy-free. It is easy and actually really good. My tip, undercook cupcakes by about a minute or two and the inside is a bit gooey like lava cake.

Orgain Healthy Kids Protein drinks- They are an awesome protein on the go choice. They are good for lunch boxes or road trips, or something the kids can help themselves to in the fridge.

GoGo Squeeze Apple Sauce- I keep these in my fridge, car, bag, and even at my office. They are a really easy quick small snack to hold you or your kids over til the next meal. I also put these in their lunch boxes.

Lucy's Snack n' Go Packs- These are everything-free cookies that are perfect to send to school or parties when your kids are allergic to the treats being served. They are wrapped in small portions, just three small cookies. Ever been at a park play date and someone shows up with donuts or cookies to be nice, but your kid ends up crying because they can't share?

Enjoy Life Coco Loco bars- This is my version of the granola bar. I won't say it is filled with all the vitamins your kids need but it is Safe and Easy!

Club Soda- I grew up with a soda machine built into my kitchen. It didn't kill me but I still won't let me kids drink it. So club soda is a great treat for them when they want a "soda" instead of water.

Yogurt, Granola, & Honey- Instead of sugary fruity yogurts, I send my kids to school with the small plain greek yogurt, a side of nut-free granola, and a small packet of honey.

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Taco Salad

Even my salads have a Mexican flare. This salad has been on my mind for days. I even had a Mexican Casserole two days in a row and still was thinking up a Taco Salad. And then today my grocery store was advertising a new corn chip, The Better Chip, Jalapeno flavor. It was calling my name and definitely going in my salad.

Taco Salad:
Black Beans
Diced Orange Pepper
Diced Cucumber
Diced Tomato
Sauteed Ground Beef-with pepper, salt, chili, and about a cup of salsa
Shredded Cheese
Crunched up Jalapeno Corn Chips

Salad Dressing:
Olive Oil
Salt & Pepper

With the help of my mom, I realized my kids do not like their food items all mixed together like I do. So tonight I kept a portion of the ingredients out of the salad for them. They had ground beef, olives, and cucumbers.

Dinner took about 15 minutes to prepare and was amazing. Tomorrow I will have the leftovers for lunch which will make it four days in a row of Mexican food.

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Whole Foods Cookie Monster Cupcake

Got to love a friend that finds the cookie monster egg-free nut-free cupcake for your child before you do! Yes, I showed up to a birthday today and Vince had a cookie monster egg-free nut-free cupcake waiting for him. Sooooo sweet and Vince was sooo happy. My friend Annette found it at Whole Foods! If I didn't know that she checked with the bakery more than once to make sure there were no eggs or nuts, I would not have trusted this gorgeous huge blue cupcake. It was too good to be true!

That cookie in Cookie Monster's mouth was his favorite, followed by the blue icing, following by the vanilla cake (which I have never made him)...and we took the leftovers home and Ava and Emma loved it too! So next time you wish you could just go buy a cupcake instead of making an egg-free batch at home, call Whole Foods and see if they can whip this up for you.

Greek Chicken with Hummus, Tzatziki, & Quinoa

Have I mentioned I am back to work? Not too much, only 10 hours a week but it seems to have cut into my food shopping, cooking, and blogging time. Heads recipes will probably get easier and shorter and my posts about take out restaurants will get more frequent. I have my old job from 4 years ago working at a residential eating disorder treatment center. I am one of the Education Coordinators, helping the students who are in treatment keep up with their school work. I also contact teachers, parents, and counselors.

I was sure this dinner would be a disappointment. It was about 15 minutes of prep and not well thought out. But Emma said half way through dinner, "Mommy, can you make this again tomorrow night?" It is amazing how good that feels, when your kids all actually like the dinner you prepared. Success! And when it happens after an easy prep it is even more of a Success!

Greek Chicken:
I cut chicken with a scissor, put the chunks in a baking dish and added a little greek salad dressing. Baked at 350 until done.

Baked Broccoli:
Cut up broccoli, top with Olive Oil, and bake at 350 for 45 minutes.

Sesame-Free Hummus:
In the VitaMix I added:
1 can chickpeas
Juice from 1/2 lemon
2 tbsp Olive Oil

Fage Total Tzatziki

Cook in a rice cooker or pot
1 cup of Quinoa in rice cooker
1 tbsp of greek salad dressing
2 cups of water
After it cools add Feta Cheese.

Nothing fancy but when the kids liked it, I decided to share it. Enjoy.

Monday, April 22, 2013

Baking with a Baker (and Blogger, Writer, & Photographer)

My cousin, Shuna, from, is a Baker (and Blogger, Writer, & Photographer). My recipes would probably horrify her... but today I got to bake with her. First, she made me Gluten Free Flour! Mixed and matched and viola, my own Gluten-Free All Purpose flour. Her recipe was inspired by This flour can be used for all kinds of cooking. 

Gluten-Free All Purpose Flour:
200 grams Super Fine Brown Rice 
150 grams Sorghum
50 grams Potato Flour
250 grams Sweet Rice Flour/"Mochi" Flour
150 grams Potato Starch
100 grams Arrow Root
50 grams Coconut Flour

Then, I got to watch her make chocolate chip cookies. I must admit, every time I try and bake cookies from scratch they look and taste like scones. I can't even share the exact recipe she made because there was a lot of tasting and adding and I lost track. It was a variation of the recipe on the back of the Kirkland Chocolate Chips.

Chocolate Chip Cookies,  Egg-free + Gluten-free:
3/4 cup butter, room temperature
3/4 cup brown sugar
1/4 cup white sugar
1.5 teaspoon of Ener-G egg replacer + 2 tbsp warm water
3 tsp Vanilla
1 tsp Kosher Salt
1 1/3 cup Gluten-free All Purpose Flour
1 cup Chocolate Chips

Mash the butter in a bowl until it looks whipped. Then add the sugars and mix. Then add the egg replacer, vanilla, and salt. Once mixed, add the flour. Do not mix until the flour is fully mixed in. When there is still a flour coating on the butter mixture add the chocolate chips and finish mixing. Taste and if you are as talented as Shuna, add what you think is missing. Bake at 350 for 12 minutes. 

I learned lots of lessons today which will hopefully affect my cookies forever. First, I learned not to melt the butter but get it to room temperature and mash it until it is a whipped consistency. Second, I learned not to over mix, it creates too much air which could have caused my scone like cookies for so many years. Third, I learned that gluten-free baking is inconsistent and trust yourself, if you think it needs more of something despite the "recipe", then go for it. In baking-for-dummies terms, the gluten-free flours absorb the liquids differently and longer than a gluten based flour and there is no consistency among them. After the cookie dough appeared and tasted done to me, Shuna added more salt, vanilla, and butter. End result, they were insane!

Monday, April 15, 2013

Lucy's Brownie Cakes, Gluten-free + Egg-free + Nut-free + Diary-free

I have been MIA lately I am going to admit why. I messed up. Thank God no one got sick, but I am 95% sure I messed up big time on the kids' allergies.

A few nights ago I went to blog about my Turkey Tacos. I had bought a seasoning packet, Fontera Taco Skillet, at the store that day and read the ingredients at least two times, maybe three. I made tacos, the kids ate them, and so I went online to share them with you. However, I already threw out the seasoning packet so I looked it up online to share the exact info. I immediately noticed the scary words "sesame oil" when the item came up.  I even blogged previously that some of the Fontera packets have sesame oil and I still missed it. My kids had no hives! I do not know what that means. It was one of the last ingredients and the tacos had cheese with very little Turkey, so perhaps they did not react to the little bit? Or has their sesame allergy gone away? Or was it a different flavor that I bought in the store and the one I found online was different? I do not know but I was horrified and mortified and it took me a few days to get over it.

Sometimes, I think these things happen to remind me to be more careful. Stick to what I know works. Stop trying new and creative recipes and give the kids what they like and what I know is safe. Or maybe an accident happens to show you the children have outgrown an allergy. I have no clue. I think we all need to be retested and so I am going to leave it at that...A reminder to go back to the doctor and see where we are at this year.

Here I am today, with a Store Bought suggestion, afraid to try any new items for a while. Lucy's Brand cookies are an easy treat for my family. Their cookies are nut-free, gluten-free, egg-free, and dairy-free. Bottom line, they are safe. And they are good!! So they either have a new item or it is new to my Whole Foods. Brownie Cakes, wrapped in individual servings packs (with two mini brownie cakes). These are PERFECT! They look like cupcakes so I can leave them at the schools for birthdays. I can bring them with me on play dates, to restaurants, while traveling as a "special treat", or to leave in my car in case other parents bring surprise cupcakes to the park. I swear, this little box from Whole Foods has the potential to change my life.

The whole family tested them out and we all approve. Also, try Lucy's cookies. So far, I like every flavor I have tried.

Hope this helps and enjoy!

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Flax & Honey Banana Bread, Egg-free + Dairy-free + Nut-free

I made this for a friend today who needs extra love and prayers. I have no idea how it turned out but it was on the Whole Foods Recipe website so I am trusting them and sharing it with you.

This is not a gluten-free recipe, however, you can substitute the Whole Wheat Flour for an All-Purpose GF Flour.

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Zucchini Linguine, Cauliflower Mash, and Grilled Chicken

Imitation night... I was inspired to imitate some of my favorite dishes tonight with vegetable replacements. The grilled chicken is real...although for a minute I considered sticking with the theme and making some imitation chicken tofu thingy.

Cauliflower Mash:
2 bags of Microwavable Cauliflower, cooked
1 tbsp of Cream Cheese (or dairy free cream cheese)
1 tbsp of Butter (or dairy free butter, I used Smart Balance)
1 minced Garlic Clove
1 tbsp of Parmesan Cheese (Optional)
Salt & Pepper

Put all the ingredients in the VitaMix and blend on a low speed. Mash down while blending.

Zucchini Linguine:
4 Zucchinis
1 jar of Tomato Sauce
1 tbsp of Olive Oil

Shave the zucchinis using a vegetable peeler. Go around the zucchini in a circle until you see the seeds and throw the rest away. Saute shaved zucchini with olive oil. After a few minutes add the sauce. Cook about 5 minutes. Serve like Linguine.

Grilled Chicken:
Chicken Cutlets
Salad Dressing (I used Organicville Sun Dried Tomato & Garlic)

Put some salad dressing in a Grill Pan. Grill chicken.

Friday, April 5, 2013

Edamame Salad

I have been meaning to blog about this dish since I started the blog. My friend Jenny told me about this simple recipe for Edamame as a snack, side dish, or appetizer.

1 bag of Frozen Edamame, defrosted
Feta Cheese, Crumbled
Salad dressing, I used Organicville Olive Oil & Balsamic

Mix and serve!

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Whole Foods Indian Red Lentil Soup, Everything-free

I am sorry that I have been out of touch. Spring break, new (old) job, and a little bit of cookers block (if that is a thing?). I am tired and overwhelmed. Headache, potty accident, atomic meltdown, ear infection, shower refusal, allergic reaction to dog, MRI scheduled, planning the summer, school project, kids fighting, Uggs in the rain, eczema.... Yea, I ended up hysterical crying in the doctors office today. There was a student nurse following the doc. I had no control and just melted down. Wonder what their conversation was after I left?

In other news, I stumbled upon the Recipe section of the Whole Foods website and found new inspiration. There are hundreds of recipes, all simple, healthy, and many are allergy free. My first recipe was their Indian Red Lentil Soup.

Check it out. Their pictures are better than mine so I am not posting one. It was simple, delicious, and pretty easy.

Monday, March 25, 2013

Passover Desserts, Everything-free

I can't legally say these are traditional Passover desserts but they are acceptable and they are gluten-free, egg-free, nut-free, dairy-free...

This cake from The Gluten-Free Goddess is so delicious I can't believe it. I made it a while ago for my vegan cousin. Tonight I am missing some ingredients so I am certain it won't come out as good but I wanted to share it.

Vegan "Flourless" Chocolate Cake Recipe:

The second dessert I am making I found while looking for an SCD diet dessert for a friend. They are also everything-free and so yummy!! I even made this for breakfast once.

Baked Apples:

Happy Passover, Happy Spring Break, Happy Easter, and Happy Sunday!

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Tuna Sandwich, Gluten-Free

I never post lunch recipes, but Will came home for lunch one day this week and I randomly created a delicious waldorf-like tuna salad.

Tuna Salad:
2 cans of Costco's Kirkland Signature Solid White Albacore (a recommendation from Aunt Darlene)
1 Granny Smith Apple, diced
1 cup of red grapes, sliced in half
Mayonnaise to your liking, I used about two large spoonfuls

Mix well and add to your favorite toasted Gluten-Free bread, I used Udi's. I must say, for a few moments forgot that I was gluten-free.

*This is not an egg-free recipe. The mayonnaise and bread have egg. However, if you would like to make a similar version you can use vegan mayonaise and gluten-free bread that does not have egg.

Beet-Turkey-Meat Sauce with Corn Pasta

This is a Hot Pink colored meat sauce! I suppose you could convince any child obsessed with pink that this dish is Pinkalicious Meat Sauce. The beets were a last minute idea...and I would say if you don't like beets than it was a bad idea. Fortunately, we like them. 

Beet-Turkey-Meat Sauce:
Put the following ingredients in the crock pot for 5 hours. 
Diced Celery
Shredded Carrots
Diced Eggplant
Quartered fresh tomatoes
Olive Oil
3 garlic cloves sliced

In the Vitamix (or blender) blend and add then add the mixture to crock pot. 
1 beet cut up
1 cup of the crock pot vegetables
1 cup of water

Then Saute Ground Turkey with a little olive oil, salt, and italian seasoning. Once cooked thru add that to the crock pot as well. 

While the sauce finishes cooking, make the pasta of your choice. Tonight I used Mrs. Leeper's Corn Rotelli.

Top the pasta with the meat sauce and parmesan cheese (if you like) and enjoy!

Friday, March 15, 2013

Chimichurri Filet with Mango Avocado Salad & Brussel Sprouts

Tonight I was going to make frozen Udi's pizza with some salad. Will, thank God, had other plans. I LOVE when Will shops and cooks. He comes home with things I overlook a million times at the grocery store. For example, the Gaucho Ranch Gluten Free Chimichurri sauce he came home with tonight. He also came home with Filet Mignon and gummy worms, two other things I never buy.

So, although he cooked it, I will blog about it.

Chimichurri Filet:
He butterflied the steaks, rubbed them with Chimichurri, and then grilled them. After they were done he topped them with Chimichurri again.

Mango Avocado Salad:
Mixed Greens
Diced Mangos
Diced Avocado
Shaved Romano
1 Squeezed Lemon
Drizzled Olive Oil

Brussel Sprouts:
Drizzle Olive Oil and Kosher Salt on Brussel Sprouts and cook at 400 until crispy (about 45 minutes).

Who knew, pizza and a movie night turned out to be gourmet. Thanks Will. xo

Chicken & Pepper Enchiladas

It is pretty obvious that I love Mexican food. I am sorry if it is overkill on the Mexican recipes. However, I just discovered the Fontera Pouches and had to share. (BEWARE, they are not all allergy safe. I almost bought one that had sesame oil! Read the ingredients carefully.) A few are labeled Gluten-free, including the Red Chile Enchilada Sauce.

Chicken & Veggie Enchiladas:
So I put chicken & peppers in the crock pot with salsa (Jack's Special) for 6 hours. (If you don't have a crock pot you can saute it in a skillet instead). After about 5 hours I  shredded the chicken. When it was done cooking, I added the chicken & peppers to corn tortillas and topped with Fontera Enchilada Sauce and some cheese. Bake at 350 for 20 minutes of until the cheese starts to bubble.

Moros Rice:
In the rice cooker, I added 1 cup brown rice, 2 cups of water, 1 tbsp olive oil, and 1 can of black beans.

In the Vitamix I added cilantro, 4 small avocados, juice from 1 lemon, salt, pepper, and a 2 spoonfuls of Jack's Special Salsa. Blend on the lowest speed while mashing down. (If you don't have a Vitamix you can mash it in a bowl). I served with Late July Organic Sea Salt by the Seashore Chips.

Muy Delicioso!

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Neon Green Smoothie

This is my Dear God Don't Let Me Get Sick drink. Of course, I make it different every time but today was worth sharing. Feel free to add or delete anything according to your likes.

I filled half the blender with frozen peaches and mangoes
Then added coconut water to the top of the frozen fruit
And I blended.
I gave part of the mixture to the kids and then added to the rest:
2 cups of Spinach
1/4 inch ginger
Vitamin C (liquid)
Juice Plus capsules (opened up)
Drops of Oregano Oil
Aloe Vera Juice
1 cup of Cilantro

It was the prettiest shade of green and it was delicious.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Coconut Banana Bread, Gluten-free + Dairy-free + Egg-free

When one kids, or two, are sick, my other children feel completely neglected. Like I am abusive for paying any extra attention to their sick sibling. There is a chart somewhere in their head counting the minutes I spend on each, the special treatment I give each, the "favorite foods" I make for each. So since Ava was the only child who was well today, she came home from school in a rage. Emma got to sit NEXT to Vince in the car, Emma got to watch TV all day, bla bla bla.

So after an afternoon and dinner that revolved around Emma and Vince, I decided to make a dessert specifically for Ava. As I have said, she loves banana bread. So tonight I made a variation...Coconut Banana Bread. I found a recipe online and of course, altered it a bit to fit our family's food restrictions/preferences.

Banana Coconut Bread:
2 cups all-purpose GF flour
1/2 tsp baking soda
1/4 tsp pumpkin pie spice
1/2 tsp salt

1/2 cup sugar
1/2 cup grated coconut
4 small bananas
1/2 cup coconut oil
2 tbsp dark rum
1/4 tsp apple cider vinegar

Preheat the oven to 350.

In a medium bowl, combine the flour, baking soda, spices, salt, sugar, and coconut. Stir well to combine. Set aside.
In a large bowl, mash the bananas well. Add the oil, rum, and vinegar, and stir to combine.
Fold the dry ingredients into the wet ones until no trace of flour remains, without overmixing. Pour into the prepared pan, level the surface with a spatula.
Bake for 45 to 50 minutes, until the top is browned and a knife inserted in the center comes out clean. Pull out from the pan and let cool on a rack before serving.

It was a hit! Ava went to bed happy (but only after complaining that it wasn't fair that Emma was sleeping with us).

Lemon Chicken with Cauliflower Butternut Squash Soup & Sweet Potato Fries

Two sick kids home today and I felt chicken and soup was an appropriate dinner. Honestly, I ate my way thru the day and couldn't imagine cooking or eating anything. Being home all day was a great excuse to start a new book (Gone Girl) and snack on everything in my fridge and cabinet. Green smoothie, Omelette with spinach, feta, and sun dried tomatoes, yogurt and granola, quacamole and PopChips, Apple, Banana...

So as a Jewish mother I suppose it is my job to make chicken and soup when my kids are sick.

Cauliflower Butternut Squash Soup:
1 box of Pacific Butternut Squash Soup
1 head of Orange Caulifower
1 cup of carrots
2 celery stalks sliced
1/2 cup chopped cilantro

Put all the ingredients in the Crock Pot for 5 hours. After 4 hours mix and add Thyme, Salt, Pepper, and Oregano. I actually overcooked the soup and it lost its soupy consistency. It was still delicious but served more like Cauliflower Mash than a soup.

Lemon Chicken:
2 lbs of Chicken Legs
3 Lemons
Olive Oil
2 Sliced garlic cloves
1 tbsp spicy mustard

Mix everything except chicken in a bag and then add the chicken. Leave in the fridge until you are ready to cook. Pour out the chicken and sauce from the bag in a saute pan and cook on all sides. Then bake at 400 for 35-45 minutes.

Sweet Potato Fries:
Ore-Ida Sweet Potato Fries are Gluten-free

Will, my husband, said the dinner had an Indian flare. Hope mama's chicken and soup help my babies feel better. 

Monday, March 11, 2013

Turkey Lettuce Wraps, Gluten-Free + Sesame-Free

Emma said this was one of her favorite meals I ever made. I am shocked. I didn't even think the kids would try it. I think the kids ate it because it was different and they enjoyed making their own wraps (with lettuce, filling, and dressing).

I found this recipe:

I sauteed ground turkey in coconut oil until no longer pink. Then added broccoli slaw, water chestnuts, chopped garlic, mushrooms, and sliced green onions. Once the veggies were cooked I added a mixture of gluten-free soy sauce (1/4 cup), rice wine vinegar (1 tbsp), and brown sugar (1 tbsp).

I added the filling to iceberg lettuce and topped with a dressing of gluten-free soy sauce (3 tbsp), rice wine vinegar (2 tbsp), honey (2 tbsp), dijon mustard (1tbsp), and water (1/4 cup).

According to Emma, it is worth trying!

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Fresh Vegetable Quinoa with Costco Rotisserie Chicken & Brussel Sprouts, Everything-free

What goes well with Costco Rotisserie Chicken? Everything. Tonight I made a Fresh Vegetable Quinoa and Brussel Sprouts. I can't promise the kids will love this but we can try. I used all the left over vegetables and put them out as an appetizer and they ate them all so I won't complain.

Last night was a dinner disaster. I was feeling ambitious and it was a bad idea. I promised to try and stay away from the crock pot, however, I am not cut out for complicated dishes. First, I tried to make fried chicken cutlets. I should have known. All the bread crumbs ended up stuck to the pan, the chicken looked like it was covered in water by the end. I baked broccoli & cauliflower but undercooked it and it was too hard to eat. I sauteed spinach in the same pan as chicken and kids wouldn't touch it because of the bread crumbs all over it. I also made quinoa spaghetti with Classico Tomato & Basil sauce, fortunately something almost impossible to mess up. The saving grace was the arugula pesto my cousin Carianne recommended. I blended arugula, lemon, garlic, olive oil, and salt & pepper. When I diced the chicken, broccoli, cauliflower, and spaghetti and mixed it with the pesto it actually tasted delish! But even after deciding it was delicious, it was not worth the clean up. Frying pan, broccoli baking dish, mini food processor, pasta pan, sauce pan, cutting board, plates bla bla bla.  Soooo, tonight was a Costco Rotisserie Chicken night!!! It is free of all my family's allergies, it is 5 bucks, and it is easy!

Fresh Vegetable Quinoa:
1 cup of uncooked quinoa
2 cups of water
2 tbsp of salad dressing (I used Organicville Olive Oil & Balsamic)

I put the above three things in the rice cooker.

Diced tri-colored peppers
Diced celery
Diced carrots
Diced cucumbers

Mix the vegetables with salad dressing (I used the Organicville for this too) and add it to the cooked Quinoa. Add salt & pepper. You can eat this warm or cold.

Brussel Sprouts:
Mix brussel sprouts with olive oil and kosher salt. Bake at 400 until crispy.

Kitchen is clean, I am not exhausted, & healthy food awaits. In the future I will try and remember my own rule, nothing complicated.

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Oatmeal Cranberry Waffles, Gluten-free + Egg-free + Dairy-free

Good Morning! Since the girls slept AN HOUR later than usual today I decided to reward them with a special breakfast. I love making them pancakes or waffles but today I wanted to eat them too. So I made a concoction....

The Vitamix cookbook has a recipe for Oatmeal Cranberry Waffles that I altered. I used the Vitamix but if you don't have one you can just mix it. Also, if you don't have a waffle maker you can use this mix and make pancakes.

In Vitamix on low speed mix:
1 cup GF pancake/waffle mix (today I used Maple Grove Farms)
1/4 cup ground flaxseed
1/4 cup hemp seeds
2 tbsp coconut oil
1 1/2 cup water

Then add:
1 cup GF oats
1/4 cup dried cranberries
1/4 cup sunflower seeds

Add 1 cup to heated waffle maker. I use the hottest setting, I like waffles crispy.

Top with Coconut Butter & Maple Syrup, and Enjoy!!!

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Meatballs & Spaghetti with Baked Broccoli, Gluten-Free + Dairy-Free

Traditional Meatballs & Spaghetti, but without the egg, gluten, bread crumbs...I hope it is not because I have been off the gluten so long, or the red wine, or because I made it, but I am confident this meal is fabulous!

1/8 cup Ian's Gluten Free bread crumbs
1 tbsp minced garlic
1 tsp dried basil
1/8 cup water
1 lb Ground Beef (85/15)
olive oil
1 jar of sauce (I used Classico Traditional Sweet Basil)

Mix the bread crumbs, garlic, basil, salt, and water in a bowl. Then add the beef and mix well. Put some olive oil in a frying pan on low. Start making meatballs (about 1 inch thick) and add to the frying pan. Cook slightly on all sides and then either add 1 jar of sauce and simmer 30 minutes OR put sauce and meatballs in a crock pot and cook 2 hours. I used the crock pot because of our busy schedule today.

Ancient Harvest Quinoa Spaghetti

Baked Broccoli:
Put pieces of broccoli on a baking sheet. Drizzle with olive oil and bake at 375 for 30 minutes.

Try it and let me know if you agree. I hope you enjoy them as much as we did.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Chicken Fajitas, Moros Rice, & Sangria

What goes well with Sangria? Yea, that's where I am starting tonight. I like my meals, drinks, and desserts to match. And tonight, all I care about is the sangria. And if you were walking by my house 10 minutes ago and heard me screaming you would have probably brought me a bottle yourself.

Red Wine
Lime Sparkling Water
Canned fruit with some of the juice

Chicken Fajitas:
Chicken breast tenders
Tri-colored peppers, sliced long

I put them in the crock pot for 3 hours (so that they did not shred). But you can saute them in a pan. Put in corn tortillas and top with either quacamole, sour cream, or cheese. BTW if you buy "Fajita seasoning packets" in the store be very careful, they may contain gluten. Just add your own spices and seasoning if you have a gluten allergy.

Moros Rice:
1 cup brown rice
2 cups water
1 can black beans
1 tbsp minced garlic
1 tbsp olive oil

Put all the ingredients in the rice cooker. I think this is a cuban dish. If you are ever in a cuban restaurant, order this!! It is amazing. It is pretty much rice cooked in black beans.

Drink, eat, and enjoy your evening!

Friday, February 22, 2013

Mexican Quinoa, Everything-free

I love Mexican food! I always joke that I could turn anything into a Mexican dish. And like almost everything else I make, I make Mexican food different every single time. Beans, corn, peppers, onions, salsa, avocado, chick peas, cucumbers, spinach, chicken, steak, cheese (regular or dairy-free), sour cream (regular or dairy-free). Mix and Match those ingredients and you have a Dani Mexican Meal. 

Tonight I am making a Mexican Quinoa. I make half the dish in the Rice Cooker.

In the Rice Cooker:
1 cup qunioa
2 cups water
1 can black beans
1 tbsp olive oil
Squeeze 1/2 a lime

Once done, pour into a big bowl. Add your favorite Mexican ingredients. Tonight I am adding:
Diced chicken (leftover from last nights Slow Cooker Chicken Tacos)
Salsa (use a fresh one, pico de gallo style)
Diced cucumber
Shredded Mexican Cheese (add after quinoa cools off)
And top your dish with a spoonful of sour cream


Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Mongolian Beef, Gluten-free + Sesame-free + Nut-free

We absolutely completely avoid asian food when we are with the kids. I am way too fearful of the nut and sesame contamination. Plus, I find soy sauce contamination has been the biggest problem for my gluten sensitivity. I heard Pei Wei has a gluten-free menu but due to nut and sesame oil we never took the kids. However, I finally ordered it for myself the other night. I had their gluten-free sweet and sour chicken. It was good but all I kept thinking was "I wish it was their Mongolian Beef". As I have said before, when I get a craving I MUST find a way to have it. So I started searching....

It didn't take long before I found a P.F. Chang's gluten-free Mongolian Beef recipe!! The only thing I have to take out is the sesame oil.

Serve with brown rice and baked broccoli and Enjoy!

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Heart Shaped Pizza, Gluten-free + Egg-free

I LOVE pizza and it is a day of LOVE.  A new FB/Blog friend told me about Bisquick Gluten-Free Pizza Crust. There is a recipe on the back of the Bisquick box.

I had to alter it a little and this is what I came up with...

Gluten-free + Egg-free Pizza Crust:
1 cup Gluten-free Bisquick mix
2 tbsp dried basil
1/2 cup of water
1/3 cup of olive oil
1/8 cup of ground flaxseed
1/8 cup hemp seeds

Mix and flatten on greased non stick cookie sheet. I made them into hearts tonight in honor of Valentine's Day. Bake at 425 for 15 minutes. Top with whatever you like. I did garlic, sauce, and cheese tonight. Bake another 10-15 minutes. After it was done cooking, I added arugula salad on top.

Happy Valentine's Day. I hope you ate something you love today.